CodeAsm's 8Bit Site

Welcome to my website, this is the 8bit version for lowerend devices.
To see (or try) the full website go here:

I had a geocities website back in the day. Sadly i forgot and it got wiped. You can view what I could recover here

Previous work:

Screenshot of zimsurf website.
For my webdesign and programming internship, ive constructed a website for "Stichting Stedenband Haarlem Mutare" (Not old browser save),
you can still browse and explore the City of Mutare code from 2011, might be compatible
It was build with Joomla as a backend, php and html. some of my classmates helped aswell.
It went online officially on March 1, 2011 (I have a email for a first meeting on 20 may, 2008)

Friends and favorite websites

Join my Discord server Newgrounds, best source for flash...videos? Internet Archive is awesome My deviantart page Go checkout my github Bookmark this site NoFrame ples
Why U no use Nano? Linux,my fav browser Get Gimp Foobar2000 is a cool music player Get my fav Browser, Firefox DHMO Dangerours fact site I run C++, get gcc or whatever I run C++, get gcc or whatever
get 7zip now apache2 btw, im a Arch Linux user. This server is running debian Excelent image viewer for windows Buy me winrar Pov-ray, the 3d render thing Awesome demoscene site

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